Check out the latest LMN Crew 2.0 update! Learn More.

Job & Payroll Reporting

Tired of rummaging through endless amounts of paper to do simple reporting? Make your job easier by instantly pulling job and payroll reports based on accurate timesheet data.

Job Progress Reports

  • Our job dashboards will help you accurately job cost labor hours and keep jobs on track.
  • Want to know how many visits, time spent or what services were completed for every customer? Generate one of our task & service reports.
  • Stay on top of your jobs with customized reports that include pricing, total hours, notes, crew members, start and end times – just to name a few options.

Payroll / Billing Reports

  • Export time records in seconds that easily import into most payroll platforms.
  • Employee audits and attendance reports to manage staff absenteeism
  • Invoice reporting to ensure that billable items are not missed because that comes right out of your pocket.

You’re just one step away from better

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