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CRM Blog Series #1 – Organization

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Welcome to part one of a three-part series covering why a Customer Relationship Management software is one of the most important tools not found in your toolshed.

The driving force behind any company’s viability, success, and growth, boils down to one derivative: your customers. It’s quite simple, without a satisfied customer base you do not have a steady influx of revenue. Yet, here we are in the 21st century and some polls find that about 25% of companies still do not utilize some sort of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to manage their sales and leads.

Reason 1: Organization

A notepad. A scrap piece of paper. A sticky note. A half-used napkin. At some point, one of these items served as a canvas to jot down contact information or an important message to review for later. If by some miracle that information survived the trip back to your office (and remembered to follow through), that in itself is a win for the never-ending tasks you need to keep track of during your typical work day. Here’s how LMN’s CRM will bring organization to your company.


Our CRM will allow you to have a standardized ‘rolodex’ that is structured to keep information in a consistent format; eliminating any inconsistencies regardless of whoever is entering pertinent information into your database. If you hire new employees or experience turnover, be rest assured that your team can view and navigate this information without ease.

Better internal communication, increased transparency

Break down the barriers of communication that your team encounters, by having all of your Communication History with your contacts at your fingertips. By having instant access to all your call logs, notes and email communications, you can ‘stay in the loop’ even if this contact has spoken to multiple employees. You no longer need to get in touch with someone else in your company to get the information you require; trimming down your response times and winning jobs faster!

Instant access to information you need

Whether you are on the jobsite, on the road, or at your local coffee shop, your precious data can be accessed from anywhere, at anytime. With LMN’s CRM stored on the cloud, your information is no longer confined to a physical document or a computer back at the office. This allows you to be more agile and cuts down on response time to your customer’s queries.

Whether it be at the company level, or an individual basis, organization is one of the fundamental competencies anyone needs to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Employing the use of a CRM will tie all of your information into one database that will increase organization for your company. Take a look at how LMN’s built-in CRM will achieve this for you and your company:

Stay tuned for part 2 of the CRM series!

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