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Cut Fuel Costs that Eat Away Your Profits
In the latest issue of Ontario Home Builder magazine, an article lists 10 ways to prevent rising gas prices from “burning your profits.” Rising fuel costs is obviously not just an issue that affects home builders; it’s an issue that affects all small business owners, landscape business owners included - most of us rely on…
Strategic Ways to Beat your “Big League” Competitors
It’s always challenging for small businesses owners to bid against the big guys. Burdened with less staff and equipment, small businesses are often forced to compete on price alone – an action that ultimately leads to less profit – if any - at the end of the day. To stop the endless cycle of taking…
What Every Contractor Must Know Before they Hire a Subcontractor
However, once you’ve decided to take an outside source under your wing, there are a few things you need to consider – namely, who you’ll be hiring to represent your business to your customer. Know that you, the contractor, are completely responsible for the work a subcontractor does. Therefore, you are responsible for any mistakes,…
Landscaping Trends from the 1920’s-to Today: A Look Back in Time
Nowadays, some form of landscaping – even if it means a few trees, a small yard, a porch or patio – is expected. That being said, while basic landscaping is the norm, most homeowners actually take it a step further. They feel it is important to enhance the curb appeal to their home and, more…
Slash Waste, Boost Profits With Time Spent on Billable Work
We all want to maximize our profit. The good news is that most contractors in the landscape industry actually have room to increase the profit line on their financial statements and, despite what many think, it’s not just about adding sales! The real ticket to boosting your profits lies in understanding- and –maximizing - your…
Practical Ways to Eliminate Workplace Distractions
Workplace distractions are inevitable. Unfortunately, they seem to rear their ugly head at times when you are on deadline or desperately trying to shorten your ever-growing to-do list. Here are some of our tips to help you win the everyday battle against distractions in the office.
‘The Seven Biggest Mistakes I Have Made in Business,’ by LMN’s Mark Bradley
Mark Bradley President of The Beach Gardener and Landscape Management Network, Brooklin ON 1. Starting the business without enough investment capital With a pickup, a wheel barrow and absolutely NO ... Read more
The Value of Good People and Good Systems
In this article, Bill shows Dan the value of running his company on good people and good systems that tied his employee wages to their performance.