Restart and Reset! LMN’s 2021 Landscape Business Planning Tips

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Business Advice

Strategic landscape business planning can help your business develop flexible recovery strategies that will allow your business to stay healthy even when the economy isn’t. If 2020 has proven anything, it’s that the unexpected is always possible. 

As a landscape business owner, the last thing you want is for your business to be vulnerable to occupational and environmental uncertainty. Contrary to what you might think, a plan is a great way to mitigate the risks associated with unpredictability.

As a final holiday gift to our loyal customers, here are some of the best 2021 landscape business tips from our LMN e-book to keep your company strong well into the new year.

Effective Budgeting = Profitable Landscape Business Planning 

A well-executed plan starts and stops with the budget. An in-depth budget breakdown does more than just help track your transactions. It could mean the difference between profitability and bankruptcy. 

Budgeting helps businesses: 

  • Create realistic estimates for costs and overhead 
  • Better manage your cash flows
  • Identify profitability weaknesses

Financially-supported plans can also help a landscape business develop a competitive advantage. Don’t believe us? More than 87% of contractors have never built a functioning budget for their company. Staying true to numbers could help you gain clients and edge out the competition.

Scale with Your Crew

Crews are the backbone of any lawncare and landscape business. The key to any successful organization is to develop, attract, and retain talented employees. A great way to do that is by rewarding your contractors for their hard work. Performance-based incentives are an excellent way to encourage high-quality efforts that help grow your business. 

Establishing a scalable wage structure is integral to any landscape business owner with high aspirations. LMN Time helps users track their crew’s hours while also providing work incentives. Cloud-based technology is a cost-effective way to keep your company scalable.

Contractors from a land and landscape business pulling equipment

Learn to Say ‘No’

Not all work is good work. If you don’t have the capacity to take on additional assignments or clients, then you shouldn’t accept the job. Too much work can wear out your crew and compromise the quality of the product you deliver. 

Saying no isn’t just applicable to external work. It can also be extremely valuable to developing work culture. Employees and contractors should be encouraged to ask for help or delegate work when they hit their limit. This will maximize the abilities of your staff and protect your finances in the long-run. 

Implement Process From The Ground-Up

Of all 2021 landscaping business tips, this may be the most important. As sought after as growth is, it comes with its own complications. The greatest obstacle associated with growth is operational disconnect. 

By establishing productive work processes and communication channels early, your business can grow with these systems. Establishing good habits from the beginning is always more profitable than correcting long-lasting, bad habits. 

In a way, effective landscape business planning is a lot like hitting a golf ball. Your plan of attack is only as effective as your follow-through. Nailing the perfect swing, however, is very difficult and requires years of experience. 

To successfully integrate planning into your land and landscape business, you need more than just a list of 2021 landscape business tips. You need a system. And you need structure.

At LMN, we supply our users with both system and structure through our impressive suite of cloud-based landscape management applications, education and events. Implement your landscape business planning the right way by using LMN’s software, free resources and virtual events. Click here to try LMN Free today.

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