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LMN Releases Finding from 2022 State of the Industry Survey; Labor, Training Mentorship Top Green Industry Pain Points

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Press & Media

Markham, ON – January 10, 2022: Landscape Management Network (LMN), North America’s leading solutions provider to the landscape industry, today revealed the results of its State of the Industry survey of customers across the landscape and snow sectors.

The survey, conducted in the third quarter of 2021, revealed that hiring, training, and retaining employees remains the top challenge for business owners as we move into 2022.

The LMN survey found that 92.1% of companies wish they could find better ways to hire experienced and reliable staff.

Similarly, 87% feel a strong need to offer more training and mentorship programs to their crews, and an additional 84% of respondents wish they could provide better incentives including benefits and pensions to support employee retention.”

“It’s clear from the voice of customers that as an industry we must continue to invest in our people and find ways to make the work we do each day more meaningful so employees stay with companies longer and have the training and resources they need to be successful,” said Mark Bradley, CEO at LMN.

“Our survey was intended to first help us better provide programs to address these needs, but as we’ve looked closer at the data, we believe it can also be a thought starter for companies of all sizes as they build better organizations.”

Additional key findings from the 15 question survey, which more than 1,200 customers completed, include:

  • A strong desire for ways to maximize efficiency while on job sites, including ease of information transfer from an estimator to crew leads (89%).
  • Better metrics and analytics to help contractors in all aspects of their jobs (82%).
  • Deeper knowledge of the true costs associated with new customer acquisitions (79%).
  • More efficient ways to manage operations while on the go from mobile devices (68%).

Implications and Key Takeaways for the Industry

Based on findings of the LMN State of the Industry Survey, LMN has published key takeaways and implications for business owners in its blog, which can be found here.

Similarly, Greenius, the only online training platform dedicated to the green industry, has also published key findings and a deeper dive into the employee retention and workforce challenges facing the industry, which can be found here.

“We’re committed to ongoing conversations with our customers to ensure as we develop programs and initiatives, they are built based on what will make the most impact in their daily operations,” added Bradley.

About LMN (Landscape Management Software)

Founded in 2009, LMN helped customers create over $51 billion worth of estimates, capture 78 million individual clock-ins, and have managed more than 245,000 employees daily through the software. Visit

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