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LMN – Bring Order to Your Catalog of Jobsite Photos

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Taking jobsite photos out in the field offers many positive channels for your company: they can represent accountability/proof of completed work, they can be used for before/after marketing pieces, and they can offer peace of mind for both your company along with your client. While those facets entice many companies to capture such photos, storing and cataloging them in a fashion that is clear and coherent is just as important as the images themselves.

There are lot of options out there today.  If a standalone camera is being used to take such photos, they now have to be uploaded onto a computer and some sort of organization in place to make sense of them (ie. folders, sub-folders, etc.). Some companies will also choose to back them up on an external hard drive or to a cloud storage platform; creating virtually double the work load (pun-intended).

Over recent years, this process has been shortened by way of smartphones having direct access to uploading files/images to the cloud. But again, there must be a clear understanding of where to place such photos and if there is a disconnect with the end-user (ie. your field staff), those photos can be uploaded into the wrong place and lost in the mix. Also, when saving/uploading photos, notes cannot be attached to them, which often leads to a separate email or it being documented on a paper timesheet…which adds another layer of complexity when trying to keep things together.

A new addition to the mix is a new product offered by LMN called LMN, where all jobsite photos taken out on the field are all filed and stored directly to each customer (and even to each jobsite!).

No more having to scan through multiple folders on your computer/cloud storage and eliminate the hassle of waiting for photos to be uploaded from cameras or from your employees’ smartphones. Each photo is stamped to show who and when it was taken by, comments associated with each picture, and you can even flag photos as ‘critical’ to ensure the office is made sure to pay special attention.

Again, all of these photos are organized for you by customer and/or jobsite and since LMN is cloud-based, you have access to these photos at your fingertips. To learn more on how our Jobsite Photos and File Storage, feel free to check out or contact one of their product specialists today who are well versed in how to help your landscape/snow company beat the competition.

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