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6 Points to Consider When Offering Company Devices

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Business Advice

You’re on the cusp of getting ready to move forward with offering company devices to your employees. This may be unchartered territory for companies who are considering this option for the first time, so before signing on the dotted line take a look at the following points to bear in mind before moving ahead:

Clear explanation of Acceptable Use.

If you are to provide your employees with a company device, a clear explanation of the scope of what’s considered ‘acceptable use’ must be outlined and explained to the recipient. Items to cover should include (but is not limited to): clear definition of business vs personal use, outline of allotted minutes/data (if applicable), protocol in the event there are overage charges or misuse is found to be present, safe practice usage (ie. handsfree usage while in vehicle) etc.

Employee sign-off on Terms & Conditions of Use.

Once the terms and conditions have been explained thoroughly, the next step is to present a formal, legally-binding document that the employee must sign off on to protect both parties involved. This provides a standardized platform for every employee to be covered under and ensures everyone involved is fully aware of the contractual agreement. (To see an example of one of these documents, take a look at the following Policy – Telephone and Electronic Device document, one of the hundreds of available documents found within our Systems Library).

Standardized security protocol for devices.

Not only is the hardware considered company property, but so is the potentially sensitive information stored on them. Customer information, internal correspondence, pricing/billing information are all examples of the critical nature of information that can be stored on company devices. By issuing company devices you can control the security of all of your devices by enforcing standardized passcodes/pins to be used on devices, plus the added benefit of turning on encryption features. And don’t forget, all devices can be remotely wiped and reset in the event of loss or theft either directly through the manufacturer’s processes or by installing a third party application on your devices.

Warranty / device insurance.

Ensure you get a clear understanding of what is covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. If you feel it is necessary, consider options for device insurance in the event of loss or damage. Familiarize yourself or get contact information for whom to contact when dealing with replacing damaged/loss devices.

Contractual obligations.

Educate yourself and understand your contract’s terms and conditions. Be aware of potential cancellation fees and steps involved in the event such actions are required.

Designate someone / process for inventory management.

Have someone/people manage these accounts and develop a system/process to ensure inventory is kept in check to know who has what device. Label each device with labelmaker and have all SIM card numbers, IMEIs or serial numbers on file in the event of loss or theft. Keep all contracts and receipts housed in one area for easy access.

If after all things considered, you still feel you are not ready to provide hardware or commit to fixed-term contracts, take a look at the following article on another alternative to providing means for connectivity for your field employees.

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