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Earn More Through Digital Payment Processing For Your Landscape Business

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Business Advice

Landscaping is a tried and true trade that’s been operating with the same processes for decades. Some people may feel that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, but some contractors get so caught up in the day to day hustle and don’t realize the amount of inefficiencies that exist. The whole idea of tools was to take the stress off the operator and to speed up the process. Why shouldn’t that extend from the field to business operations in the office? Simplify and streamline your digital payment processing to earn more for your landscape business.

Digital Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Payment processing is just a longer way to say getting paid. If you’re lucky, collecting payment could be as simple as waiting around after the job for that cheque. If you’re unlucky, that could mean missed payments or months of chasing a customer around to pay up. Either way, these are both inefficient ways to collect payment since it adds to the financial waste of the labor hours it takes to hunt payment down. Why gamble when you can be the change you want to see in your cash flow?

Something as simple as setting up your business and customers with credit card payment processing can save waiting for those Net 30, 60, 90 accounts to settle. With a direct payment path between customers and your business, it eliminates the need for you or your business operations to spend labor hours hunting down money hidden behind postage delays or play phone tag with customers.

The Direct Payment Shift Is Happening Now

Cash will always be king. What will change is how consumers handle cash, and that shift is digital. Paper is no longer the only option as consumers prefer paying through debit or credit cards. In 2020, 72% of consumers reported making an in-person purchase during a three-day period, down from 91% who made an in-person payment over three days in 2019. The time wasted and the costs of wire transfers, cheques, and physically going to the bank makes little sense in the digital age. The systems are already in place with people using Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo, and other electronic payment options, making cash transfer the most accessible it has ever been in history. If it’s that easy, shouldn’t more landscape businesses switch to a digital payment processing system?

A Payment System Built For Landscapers

LMN now offers a new direct payment processing system for the landscape industry through LMN Pay. Contractors who use LMN Pay can set their customers up through AutoPay for those recurring maintenance jobs, or invoice through emails or the Customer Portal. Regardless of the digital payment process your customer chooses, let LMN Pay do the quick and easy collection for you.

You can learn more about how payment processing can directly improve your business by attending LMN’s seminar on November 16. Register today!

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