Contractor Overwhelm: 3 Systems for Taming the Chaos in Your Company
August 21, 2024 12:30pm-1pm EST
Benji Carlson (from Contractor Evolution) & Coach Matt Balfe (from Breakthrough Academy) join Mark Bradley for a walkthrough of the most impactful Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for landscaping and snow removal.
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Speaker Bio
Mark Bradley
Founder & CEO
Mark Bradley, CEO of Landscape Management Network (LMN), has over 25 years experience building successful landscaping businesses and technology platforms. Before co-founding LMN, Mark built and grew TBG Landscape into one of the Top-100 landscape contractors in North America. As a sought-after speaker and business coach, Mark is passionate about educating the industry and committed to transforming talented landscaping professionals into better business owners.
Benji Carlson
Director of Content
Breakthrough Academy
As the Director of Content at Breakthrough Academy, host of Contractor Evolution, and a former painting contractor, Benji deeply understands what it takes to scale. Pulling from his own entrepreneurial journey and his analysis of over 1,000 individual construction and trades businesses, he and the Breakthrough Academy team create the best business content for contractors on all the interwebs.
Matt Balfe
Business Coach
Breakthrough Academy
With a life spent entirely in the contracting space, Matt knows construction bumper to bumper. From small and midsize businesses to multinational corporations, he has first-hand knowledge in operations, sales and marketing, customer service, logistics, business development, ERPs, and project management. With his vast insight and charisma, Matt excelled running a consulting firm before bringing that knowledge to Breakthrough Academy, to help more contracting owneres fuel growth and achievement. Breakthrough Academy (BTA) helps contractors systemize their companies to grow. They inject business owners with the infrastructure they need to scale, make more money, and work a lot less.